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Green, green, green, green. That's all anyone seems to be talking about these days. Whether it's a discussion about Global Warming, toxic cleaning supplies, landfills closing, electric cars, solar panels, organic food, or the highly publicized Picken's Plan to build giant wind farms across the heartland of the United States, green is everywhere. Green is on everyone's mind.
Of course, without a sound economic basis, "Going Green" doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Fortunately, recent technological breakthroughs have brought the cost of going green down to Earth. We no longer have to pay a fortune to change out our light bulbs, do chemical free cleaning, or enjoy a host of other Eco-friendly products and services. Recently, even my neighborhood dry cleaner has gone green with a new organic cleaning service. It's incredible that one of the most toxic industries in America is greening up. If they can do it so can you!
At we strive to reduce your energy bills, detoxify your home, educate your children, and provide you with the information you need to make informed purchases. Call us for any questions or bulk orders at 1-866-888-8185 or 1-949-367-2884.
Thanks so much for helping to save our planet one product at a time.