The T-Klip toll pass holder mounts your Florida, Oklahoma, Kansas and Georgia SunPass, Cruise Card, E-Pass K-Tag, LeeWay or Pike Pass to your windshield using suction cups. This product compares to the E-Zpal holder. Now you can switch your electronic toll pass between cars quickly and easily. Made of lightweight UV resistant ABS plastic. From the makers of the EZ-Clip Electronic EZ-Pass Holder. The T-Klip toll pass holder will fit the following electronic toll pass units: SunPass, Cruise Card, E-Pass K-Tag, LeeWay or Pike Pass. Avoid risking a violation! Toll authorities require that toll passes be firmly affixed to your windshield, not hand-held. EZ-Clip is made from light weight UV resistant ABS plastic and comes with a lifetime guarantee. Clip comes in white. Get one for every vehicle and your friends!